Why Jesus?
The Inner Ring - Part 3 of 4 - Egypt "My Nile Is My Own …"
The Inner Ring - Part 2 of 4 - Damascus: Ground Zero
The Inner Ring - Part 1 of 4 - Border Nations: Psalm 83
Gog and Magog Invasion – Update 1
Gethsemane - Home Away From Home
Killing Canaanites - a Bloodthirsty God?
Ghosts and Spirits
Elephant in the Room - The Rapture
City of Tyre - Prophecy Fulfilled
Israel and Arabic Neighbors - Modern History
Kibbutz Battles of the Israeli War of Independence
Israel & the Palestinians - Modern History
Daniel & Belshazzar - Archaeological Proof
Are We Living in the End Times?
Israel in Prophecy - Still God's Chosen People
Recent History - Decline of Belief in the Bible
Gilgal - A New Archaeological Theory
End Times Prophecy - Happening Now
Jesus' Prophecy About the Temple